Ashutosh Rana

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Program: BS Degree in Data Science and Applications


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Completed All Assessment
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About me

Hello, I am a web developer and student at IIT Madras. My skills include HTML, CSS, Python, JavaScript, React, Git, and GitHub. I have a passion for creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites and web applications using the latest technologies. Throughout my academic and professional career, I have gained valuable experience in web development, including building responsive layouts and implementing complex functionalities. Thank you Ashutosh Gaurav E-mail:



Contact Details

Phone number: 919554818367


Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
BS in Data Science and Applications - Computer Science
2022 - present


Netflix Clone

Explore the world of streaming with this React project inspired by Netflix! Built using essential dependencies like @reduxjs/toolkit, axios, cra-template, firebase, react-router-dom, and styled-components, this clone integrates TMDB API to fetch and display engaging movie content, providing a seamless and dynamic user experience.